Agnès Villette
Based between France and Britain, Agnès Villette is a PhD candidate at Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton, her practice based doctorate in Nuclear Aesthetics investigates the Radioactive Ruins of the Norman territory of La Hague. She explores the ability of artistic methodologies to activate forms of knowledge and counter narratives that challenge the hegemonic scientific and state discourses about the French nuclear Cold War legacy and its numerous toxic traces. She is also a freelance journalist with an art practice in photography and a translator. Trained in literature, she gained an Agrégation in Modern Literature at Paris Sorbonne and a Master in Art Photography at London College of Communication, London. She has previously taught in British universities, such as Glasgow University, Queen Mary College, London and Winchester University and is currently a lecturer in Visual Culture at Cambrai Art School, in the North of France. Along her PhD research, she is developing three art projects at the intersection of photography, writing and theory, such as the photographic series Alien of the Species exploring invasive insects and entomology, Beta Bunker, researching bunker architecture, and finally Landemer, a nonfiction novel based on a cold case that took place in 1969, in Cherbourg.
Instagram: @agnesvillette