Rachel Carney
Cluster Lead
Rachel Carney is a poet, creative writing tutor and PhD student based at Cardiff University, with co-supervision from Aberystwyth University. Her research examines the use of creative writing as a tool for visitor engagement in art museums, working in partnership with Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales. She also teaches on the undergraduate creative writing course at Cardiff.
She has an MA in Creative Writing (2019) and an MA in Museum Studies (2008), and has worked in museums for a number of years, mainly in learning and engagement roles.
Her poems, reviews and articles have been published widely. In 2021 she won the Pre-Raphaelite Society Poetry Competition, came 2nd in the Bangor Poetry Competition and was highly commended in the Liverpool Poetry Prize. She’s also had two poems shortlisted for the Bridport Prize, and one poem nominated for the Forward Prize. Her debut poetry collection, Octopus Mind, will be published by Seren Books in July 2023.
Visit her blog for more details, and links to published work: https://createdtoread.com/
Follow her on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CreatedtoRead
Academic Profile: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/1709789-carney-rachel